Author detail
Articles by S. Hanessian
- New and old challenges in total synthesis. From concept to practice
- Reflections on the total synthesis of natural products: Art, craft, logic, and the chiron approach
- The psychobiological basis of heuristic synthesis planning - man, machine and the chiron approach
- Progress in natural product chemistry by the chiron and related approaches - synthesis of avermectin B1a
- Studies directed toward the total synthesis of the ezomycins, the octosyl acids and related antibiotics
- Approaches to the total synthesis of natural products from carbohydrates
The following name might also represent this author:
Stephen Hanessian
- Proximity-assisted cycloaddition reactions of ω‑azido cyanohydrin ethers: Synthesis of diversely functionalized bicyclic tetrazoles
- Structure-based synthesis: From natural products to drug prototypes
- Jonathan Franco (1 article)
- Pierre Beaulieu (1 article)
- A. Ugolini (1 article)
- Benoit Larouche (1 article)
- P. J. Hodges (1 article)
- Daniel Dube (1 article)
- Christiane Andre (1 article)
- Adrian Hall (1 article)
- T. J. Liak (1 article)
- D. M. Dixit (1 article)
- Roberto Margarita (1 article)
- Shawn Johnstone (1 article)
- G. Rancourt (1 article)
- L. Parlanti (1 article)
- M. Tremblay (1 article)
- Department of Chemistry, Université de Montréal, P.O. Box 6128, Station Centre-ville, Montréal, P.Q., H3C 3J Canada