Author detail
Articles by N. Kurihara
- Environmental fate and metabolism: Issues and recommendations
- Role of metabolism in the endocrine-disrupting effects of chemicals in aquatic and terrestrial systems
- Regulatory limits for pesticide residues in water (IUPAC Technical Report)
- Endocrine disruptors in the environment (IUPAC Technical Report)
- Pesticides Report 37: Chirality in synthetic agrochemicals: Bioactivity and safety consideration (Technical Report)
- Pesticides Report 37. Chirality in synthetic agrochemicals: Bioactivity and safety consideration (Technical Report)
- Pesticides report 32: Detection and significance of active metabolites of agrochemicals and related xenobiotics in animals (Technical Report)
- Pesticides report 30: Use of isolated cells to study the metabolism of agrochemicals in animals (Technical Report)
- G. D. Paulson (4 articles)
- J. Miyamoto (4 articles)
- A. Katayama (4 articles)
- R. M. Hollingworth (4 articles)
- S. Otto (2 articles)
- T. Sanderson (2 articles)
- P. T. Holland (2 articles)
- M. W. Skidmore (2 articles)
- B. Zeeh (2 articles)
- H. A. Kuiper (2 articles)
- R. M. Dieterle (1 article)
- D. J. Hamilton (1 article)
- Á. Ambrus (1 article)
- C. A. Harris (1 article)
- A. S. Felsot (1 article)
- A. Wenzel (1 article)
- L. Shore (1 article)
- S.-S. Wong (1 article)
- B. Halling-Sørensen (1 article)
- W. Klein (1 article)
- J. Unsworth (1 article)
- M. Jürgens (1 article)
- M. van den Berg (1 article)
- J. Linders (1 article)
- P. de Voogt (1 article)
- K. D. Racke (1 article)
- B. van Hattum (1 article)
- J. C. Leblanc (1 article)
- L. S. Shore (1 article)
- M. Shemesh (1 article)
- J. Lintelmann (1 article)
- A. Johnson (1 article)
- F. Ingerslev (1 article)
- Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences, Utrecht University, P.O.Box 80176, 3508 TD Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2 Koka Laboratory, Japan Radioisotope Association, 121-19 Toriino, Koka, Shiga 520-3403, Japan; 3 Nagoya University, Research Center for Advanced Waste and Emission Management, Chikusa Nagoya 464-8603, Japan
- Fraunhofer Institute for Molecular Biology and Applied Ecology, 57392 Schmallenberg, Germany
- Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
- c/o Emeritus Club, Kyoto University, 103-5 Tanaka Monzen-cho, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8225 Japan