Author detail
Articles by S. Otto
- Pesticides report 32: Detection and significance of active metabolites of agrochemicals and related xenobiotics in animals (Technical Report)
- Pesticides report 30: Use of isolated cells to study the metabolism of agrochemicals in animals (Technical Report)
- IUPAC reports on pesticides, no. 28: Some aspects of the analysis of residues of dicarboximide fungicides in food
The following name might also represent this author:
Sijbren Otto
- Diels_Alder reactions in water
- J. Miyamoto (3 articles)
- R. M. Hollingworth (2 articles)
- N. Kurihara (2 articles)
- G. D. Paulson (2 articles)
- N. A. Smart (1 article)
- Á. Ambrus (1 article)
- M. Buys (1 article)