Author detail
Articles by K. Suzuki
- Enhanced one-generation reproductive toxicity study in rats for detecting endocrine-disrupting effects of chemicals
- Future prospects for dry etching
- Total synthesis of aryl C-glycoside antibiotics
- Novel Lewis acid catalysis in organic synthesis
The following names might also represent this author:
Kazuo T. Suzuki
- Simultaneous tracing of multiple precursors each labeled with a different homo-elemental isotope by speciation analysis: Distribution and metabolism of four parenteral selenium sources
Keisuke Suzuki
- Synthetic study of ravidomycin, a hybrid natural product
Kentaro Suzuki
- A programmable single-component diode based on an ambipolar organic field-effect transistor (OFET)
K. T. Suzuki
- Species-selective determination of selenium compounds in biological materials (Technical Report)
- H. Aoyama (1 article)
- Naoshi Itabashi (1 article)
- Laboratory of Reproductive Toxicology, Institute of Environmental Toxicology, Japan; Department of Veterinary Physiology, Nippon Veterinary and Animal Science University, Japan