Keyword index (from year 2005)
Please note that keywords were not used in articles published before year 2005.
- racemic
- racemization
- radiaannulenes
- radialene
- radialenes
- radiation
- radiation-induced polymerization
- radiation-mediated damage
- radiation-related units
- radiative recombination
- radiative transfer
- radiative transition
- radical
- radical addition/elimination
- radical additions
- radical and ion pairs
- radical cation
- radical cations
- radical cyclization
- radical ion pairs
- radical molecules
- radical pair
- radical reaction
- radical reactions
- radicals
- radical scavenging
- radioactive waste
- radioactive waste disposal
- radioanalytical chemistry
- radiocatalysis
- radio-cesium
- radio frequency plasma jets
- radiolabeling
- radionuclide solubility
- radiotracers
- RAFT-MADIX controlled polymerization
- Raman
- Raman microscopy
- Raman spectroscopy
- random walk
- rapid detention explosive (RDX)
- rare-earth-doped
- rate constants
- rational design
- rational nature management
- reaction center
- reaction centers
- reaction conditions
- reaction control
- reaction–diffusion
- reaction dynamics
- reaction equilibria
- reaction kinetics
- reaction mechanism
- reaction mechanisms
- reaction networks
- reaction parameter
- reaction quotients
- reaction rates
- reactions in aqueous media
- reaction thermodynamics
- reactive intermediates
- reactive oxygen species
- reactive oxygen species (ROS)
- reactive species
- reactive systems
- reactivity
- reactomics
- reactor design
- reagent-free
- rearrangement
- rearrangements
- receptors
- recombination
- recommendations
- recommended values
- recoverable organocatalysts
- recycling
- red algae
- red blood cells
- redox
- redox cascades
- redox-controlled photoswitching
- redox cycling
- redox potentials
- redox properties
- redox reaction
- redox reactivity
- redox system
- Red Sea
- reduction
- reductive aldol reactions
- reductive dechlorination
- reductive extraction
- reference materials
- reference porous materials
- reflection spectroscopy
- Reformatsky
- Reformatsky reaction
- reforming
- refractories
- refractory metals
- regioselectivity
- regiospecific transformations
- regular microdischarge pattern
- regulation
- rehybridization
- reinforcement of polymer composites
- Reissert reaction
- relative fluorescence quantum yields
- relative-molecular-mass dispersity
- relaxation time
- reliability
- remote sensing
- remote stereocontrol
- removal of copper salts
- renewability
- renewable
- renewable energy
- Renyi, Tsallis entropies
- repetitive use
- replication
- replicative chemistry
- replicator space
- reporting guidelines
- research tools
- research trends
- resistance
- resolution
- resonance
- resonance Raman
- resonance structure
- resorc[4]arenes
- respiration
- responsible use
- responsiveness
- results reporting
- resveratrol
- reticular chemistry
- retinoid
- return electron transfer
- reverse micelle microemulsions
- reversible-addition-fragmentation chain transfer
- reversible-deactivation
- reversible melting/crystallization
- review
- review 2000
- rf discharges
- RF discharges
- rhenium
- rheology
- rheumatoid arthritis
- rhodamine B
- rhodanine
- rhodium
- rhodium catalyzed
- rhodium-catalyzed
- rhodium-catalyzed hydrosilylation
- ribosides
- ribosomes
- rice
- rice husk leaching
- rice husk pyrolysis
- rifamycin S
- rigid frameworks
- rigidified glutamates
- ring-closing metathesis
- ring current
- ring enlargement
- ring opening
- ring-opening cyclization
- ring-opening metathesis polymerization
- ring-opening polymerization
- ring-opening reactions
- risk assessment
- RNA dynamics
- RNAi
- RNA structure
- rolling mechanism
- romeite
- root latex
- rose bengal
- rotamers
- rotaxane isomerism
- rotaxane polymers
- rotaxanes
- RU69874
- RuCl2
- rules
- Ru-porphyrins
- ruthenium
- ruthenium catalysis
- ruthenium complex
- ruthenium complexes
- ruthenium porphyrin