Ninth International Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, Regensburg, Federal Republic of Germany, 21–26 August 1988
This conference is part of the Physical Organic Chemistry series.
Kinetics and reaction mechanisms: selected examples from the experience of forty years
Stilbene photocycloaddition reactions: ion pair and electron transfer dynamics
Resonance interactions in acyclic systems
Ab initio and empirical computations of mechanism and stereoselectivity
Variations of molecular geometry from electron diffraction
Design of low-energy barrier intramolecular rearrangements by fitting stereoelectronic requirements of reaction paths
Design and surface synchrotron X-ray structure analysis of Langmuir films for crystal nucleation
Generation of elusive neutrals and dications by neutralization resp. Charge stripping of monocations in beam experiments
Interstellar organic chemistry and other applications of gas phase ion-morecule chemistry
Applications of dynamic NMR spectroscopy to the dissociation of chemical bonds in organic, organometallic, and coordination compounds
Electron and charge demands of stabilizing groups in carbanions and nitroanions: the NMR approach
Radical thermochemistry and organic reactions