International Symposium on Green Chemistry, Delhi, India, 10–13 January 2001
Development of bioreactors for application of biocatalysts in biotransformations and bioremediation
Nanostructured amorphous metals, alloys, and metal oxides as new catalysts for oxidation
Peroxometal-mediated environmentally favorable route to brominating agents and protocols for bromination of organics
Catalysis for green chemistry
Green chemistry. Sustaining a high-technology civilization
Rapid screening and combinatorial methods in homogeneous organometallic catalysis
Polymer-metal complexes for environmental protection. Chemoremediation in the aqueous homogeneous phase
Human exposure to traffic pollution. Experience from Danish studies
Dry media reactions
Using neoteric solvents in oil shale studies
Reactivity and selectivity under microwaves in organic chemistry. Relation with medium effects and reaction mechanisms
Selective biotransformation reactions on (±)-aryl alkyl ketones, (±)-benzoxazines, and d-arabino- and d-threo-hydroxyalkyltriazoles
Applications of green chemistry in the manufacture of oligonucleotide drugs
Design, synthesis, and application of chelating polymers for separation and determination of trace and toxic metal ions. A green analytical method
Recent progress in the chemistry of multicomponent reactions
Solvent-free accelerated organic syntheses using microwaves
Green twist to an old theme. An eco-friendly approach