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XXth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (ICOMC), Corfu, Greece, 7–12 July 2002

This conference is part of the Organometallic Chemistry series.
A. K. Chatterjee, F. D. Toste, S. D. Goldberg and R. H. Grubbs
Synthesis of coumarins by ring-closing metathesis
2003, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 421-425 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 180 kB]
E. Nakamura
Bucky ferrocene. Hybrid of ferrocene and fullerene
2003, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 427-434 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 315 kB]
R. H. Crabtree
Carbenes. Pincers, chelates, and abnormal binding modes
2003, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 435-443 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 244 kB]
D. Milstein
Challenging metal-based transformations. From single-bond activation to catalysis and metallaquinonoids
2003, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 445-460 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 361 kB]
D. Astruc
Organometallic chemistry at the nanoscale. Dendrimers for redox processes and catalysis
2003, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 461-481 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 646 kB]
P. Jutzi
Strategies in the cyclopentadienyl chemistry of p-block elements
2003, Vol. 75, Issue 4, pp. 483-494 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 334 kB]