Author detail
Articles by Paul W. Erhardt
- Glossary of terms used in medicinal chemistry. Part II (IUPAC Recommendations 2013)
- Analogue-based drug discovery: Contributions to medicinal chemistry principles and drug design strategies. Microtubule stabilizers as a case in point (Special Topic Article)
- Medicinal chemistry in the new millennium. A glance into the future
- Joerg Senn-Bilfinger (1 article)
- C. Robin Ganellin (1 article)
- John Proudfoot (1 article)
- Toshi Kobayashi (1 article)
- Thomas J. Perun (1 article)
- Derek R. Buckle (1 article)
- Mohammad H. El-Dakdouki (1 article)
- University of Toledo, College of Pharmacy, Center for Drug Design and Development, 2801 West Bancroft Street, Toledo, OH 43606-3390, USA
- Center for Drug Design and Development, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH 43606, USA
- *Author contact information: Tel: +1 (419) 530-2167; Fax: +1 (419) 530-1994; E-mail: