Author detail
Articles by Naoto Chatani
- Chelation-assisted carbonylation reactions catalyzed by Rh and Ru complexes
- GaCl3-catalyzed reactions utilizing isocyanides as a C1 source
- Catalytic addition of CH bonds to multiple bonds
- Catalytic C-H/olefin coupling
- F. Kakiuchi (2 articles)
- S. Murai (2 articles)
- Yoshiya Fukumoto (1 article)
- Y. Tanaka (1 article)
- S. Sekine (1 article)
- Mamoru Tobisu (1 article)
- Kazuhiko Yokota (1 article)
- Satoshi Inoue (1 article)
- Hiroto Tatamidani (1 article)
- Aki Kitajima (1 article)
- Sachiko Yoshioka (1 article)
- M. Sonoda (1 article)
- Asayuki Kamatani (1 article)
- Masayuki Oshita (1 article)
- Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan