Author detail
Articles by C. A. Violette
- 13C Magic angle spinning NMR evidence for a 15,15’-Z configuration of the spheroidene chromophore in the Rhodobacter sphaeroides reaction center; synthesis of 13C- and 2H-labelled spheroidenes
- Carotenoids in photosynthesis: structure and photochemistry
- Harry A. Frank (2 articles)
- J. Lugtenburg (1 article)
- K. van der Hoef (1 article)
- J. K. Trautman (1 article)
- H. J. M. de Groot (1 article)
- A. C. Albrecht (1 article)
- R. Gebhard (1 article)
- A. P. Shreve (1 article)
- T. G. Owens (1 article)