Author detail
Articles by A. J. Cervenka
- Future requirements in the characterization of continuous fiber-reinforced polymeric composites (IUPAC Technical Report)
- Characterization of finite length composites: Part IV - Structural studies on injection moulded composites (Technical Report)
- Characterization of finite length composites: Part V. Modelling of stiffness (Technical Report)
- Characterization of finite length composites: Part III. Studies on thin sections extracted from mouldings (wafers) (Technical Report)
- Characterization of finite length composites: Part II. Mechanical performance of injection moulded composites (Technical Report)
- Characterization of finite length composites: Part I. Introductory paper (Technical Report)
- Intrinsic characterization of continuous fibre thermoplastic composites-II. Pseudo-elastic constants for aromatic polymer composite (APC-2) (Technical Report)
- P. S. Allan (4 articles)
- D. R. Moore (3 articles)
- G. J. von Bradsky (1 article)
- R. S. Bailey (1 article)
- H. G. Zachmann (1 article)
- T. Vu-Khanh (1 article)
- P. S. Allen (1 article)
- J. C. Seferis (1 article)
- L. Glas (1 article)
- ICI Technology, Wilton Centre, Wilton, Redcar, Teesside TS10 4RF, UK and UMIST, Manchester, UK