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Pure Appl. Chem., 2001, Vol. 73, No. 9, pp. 1459-1464

New small-molecule tubulin inhibitors

G. Bacher, T. Beckers, P. Emig, T. Klenner, B. Kutscher and B. Nickel

ASTA Medica AG, Research & Development Oncology, Weismuellerstrasse 45, 60314 Frankfurt, Germany

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Other PAC articles by these authors

J. W. Engels, Wolfgang Becker, T. Beckers, Dieter Hüsken and W. Wetekam
Chemoenzymatic synthesis of a gene for the interleukin-2 receptor
1987, Vol. 59, Issue 3, pp. 437-444 [Details] [Full text - pdf 214 kB]