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Pure Appl. Chem., 1987, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp. 399-406

Synthetic studies on a stereochemically complex natural product: designs for the total synthesis of (-)-tetrodotoxin

M. Isobe, T. Nishikawa, Naoki Fukami and T. Goto

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  • Sarotti Ariel M., Suárez Alejandra G., Spanevello Rolando A.: DFT calculations induced a regiochemical outcome revision of the Diels–Alder reaction between levoglucosenone and isoprene. Tetrahetron Lett 2011, 52, 3116. <>
  • Fraser-Reid B., Alonso R. A., McDevitt R. E., Venkateswara Rao B., Vite G. D., Zottola M. A.: Novel Reactions of Carbohydrates Discovered En Route to Natural Products. Bull Soc Chim Belges 2010, 101, 617. <>
  • Nishikawa Toshio, Mishima Yohei, Ohyabu Norio, Isobe Minoru: A novel stereoselective carbon-chain extension reaction at the C-6 position of 1,6-anhydropyranose. Tetrahetron Lett 2004, 45, 175. <>
  • Isobe Minoru, Nishikawa Toshio, Yamamoto Noboru, Tsukiyama Takahiro, Ino Akira, Okita Takaaki: Methodologies for synthesis of heterocyclic compounds. J Heterocyclic Chem 1992, 29, 619. <>
  • Isobe Minoru, Fukuda Yoshio, Nishikawa Toshio, Chabert Philippe, Kawai Takatoshi, Goto Toshio: Synthetic studies on (−)-tetrodotoxin (3) nitrogenation through overman rearrangement and guanidine ring formation. Tetrahetron Lett 1990, 31, 3327. <>