17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC 17), Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 7–12 August 2005
This conference is part of the Plasma Chemistry series.
Toward a new era of plasma spray processing
Nanoparticles and plasmas
Carbon nanotubes by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition
Formation of soot particles in Ar/H2/CH4 microwave discharges during nanocrystalline diamond deposition: A modeling approach
Miniature atmospheric pressure glow discharge torch (APGD-t) for local biomedical applications
Materials processing at atmospheric pressure: Nonequilibrium effects on nanotechnology and mega-industries
Reduction of perfluorinated compound emissions using atmospheric pressure microwave plasmas: Mechanisms and energy efficiency
Radical-surface interactions during film deposition: A sticky situation?
Swift chemical sputtering of covalently bonded materials
Production of reactive species by atmospheric pressure streamers in N2-O2 mixtures
Plasma application for more environmentally friendly catalyst preparation
Metal halide lamps: Gravitational influence on color separation
What do we know about long laminar plasma jets?
Plasma-assisted combustion