International Symposium on Calorimetry and Chemical Thermodynamics, Moscow, USSR, 23–27 June 1991
Chemical thermodynamics in the future development of chemistry including environmental problems
The Luginin thermochemical laboratory of the Moscow state university
Thermodynamic study of ice and clathrate hydrates
Thermodynamics of high-temperature superconducting materials
Data bases: past, present and future
Electrochemical studies with fluoride electrolytes
Metallic solutions and calorimetry
Binary phase diagrams of lead(II) n-alkanoates and n-alkanoic acids
Thermodynamic properties of lithium n-alkanoates
Heat capacity measurements with a.c. microcalorimetry
Trends and anomalies in the thermodynamics of gaseous thorium and uranium halides
Experimental techniques in high temperature thermodynamics
Fluorine combustion calorimetry: progress in recent years and possibilities of further development
Problems of surface thermodynamics
Phase diagrams in CuOx based superconductors
Evaluation of the subambient temperature dependence of the heat capacity of crystalline and vitreous substances