First International Symposium on Organic Chemistry in Technological Perspective, Jerusalem, Israel, 1–6 June 1986
C1 Chemistry: potential and developments
Towards an organic chemistry of the hydrogenation of coal
Catalysis by shape selective zeolites-science and technology
Industrial applications of phase transfer catalysis (PTC): past, present and future
New synthetic reactions catalyzed by palladium complexes
Reactions and processes in liquid-liquid (UL) systems
Solvent extraction in nuclear technology
Electroorganic processes practiced in the world
Electrogenerative and related processes
New developments in photochemical technology
The future of pest control and the pesticides industry
Flame retardants for polymer systems
Organic processes and technological change - an economic perspective
Organic processes of the future: technological implications
'Tailormade' auxiliaries for nucleation, growth and dissolution of organic crystals