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16th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics (ICCT-2000), Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, 6–11 August 2000

This conference is part of the Chemical Thermodynamics series.
Francis J. DiSalvo
Challenges and opportunities in solid-state chemistry
2000, Vol. 72, Issue 10, pp. 1799-1807 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 53 kB]
Kenneth N. Marsh
Role of reference materials for the realization of physicochemical properties. Past, present, and future
2000, Vol. 72, Issue 10, pp. 1809-1818 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 66 kB]
John M. Prausnitz
Thermodynamics of structured fluids. Hard science for soft materials
2000, Vol. 72, Issue 10, pp. 1819-1834 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 397 kB]
U. von Stockar, I. W. Marison and J.-S. Liu
Endothermic microbial growth. A calorimetric investigation of an extreme case of entropy-driven microbial growth
2000, Vol. 72, Issue 10, pp. 1835-1838 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 28 kB]
Michio Yamawaki, Tadashi Inoue and Toru Ogawa
Thermochemical studies of advanced nuclear fuels and materials
2000, Vol. 72, Issue 10, pp. 1839-1849 [Details + Abstract] [Full text - pdf 119 kB]