7th International Conference on Surface and Colloid Science, Compiegne, France, 7–13 July 1991
This conference is part of the Surface and Colloid Science series.
Long-ranged surface forces: The structure and dynamics of polymers at interfaces
Special features of water soluble polymers
Lattice models of amphiphilic assembly
Direct measurement of interactions in supermolecular fluids and liquid crystals
Entropy-driven swelling of fluid-multimembrane assemblies with underlying colloidal interactions
Interfacial architecture in surfactant-water mixtures: Beyond spheres, cylinders and planes
Self-assembly principles in molecular crystals
Assembly of Xe atoms in a NaA alpha cage: A Monte Carlo simulation
Changes in surface topology of amorphous silicon oxide and mica after ion-milling
Recent advances in oxide film characterization
Molecular engineering of the polymer-metal bond
Catalysis by surfactant aggregates in aqueous solutions
Homogeneous nucleation theory and experiment: A survey
Nucleation and crystallization in aqueous systems during drying: Theory and practice
The involvement of calcium phosphates in biological mineralization and demineralization processes
The science of ultrafine aerosols
Particle diagnosis in multiphase media
Theoretical aspects of developing latex particle morphology
Experimental methods of particle characterization
Monodispersed inorganic colloids: Achievements and problems
Characteristics of inorganic colloids
Control of stability/flocculation and rheology of concentrated suspensions
Interfacial interactions and the stability of oil-in-water emulsions
Viscous interaction between surfaces: Studies by means of a capacitor ultradynamometer
Biosurfactants in industry
Integrated systems for biosurfactant synthesis
Pulmonary surfactant: Surface properties and function of alveolar and airway surfactant
Food technology and nutrition: Challenges for colloid and interface science
Enzyme-microenvironment dynamic interactions in microstructured media
Protein extraction using reversed micelles
pH artifacts in reverse micellar enzymology: A warning
Adsorption of complex proteins at interfaces
Bioactive specific biomaterials: Present and future