4th Congress of Toxicology in Developing Countries (4th CTOX-DC), Antalya, Turkey, 6–10 November 1999
Effects of vitamin C supplementation in human volunteers with a range of cholesterol levels on biomarkers of oxygen radical-generated damage
Cytochrome P4501A and associated mixed-function oxidase induction in fish as a biomarker for toxic carcinogenic pollutants in the aquatic environment
p53 mutations as fingerprints of environmental carcinogens
Role of neuronal nitric oxide in methamphetamine neurotoxicity and protection by nNOS inhibitor
Recent advances in metal carcinogenicity
A review of human and sub-human primate toxicity of hexachlorobenzene
Use of genetically altered animal models in understanding the role of metallothionein in cadmium toxicity
Environmental specimen banking. Herring gull eggs and breams as bioindicators for monitoring longterm and spatial trends of chlorinated hydrocarbons
Role of catecholamines and cyclic AMP systems in phencyclidine and morphine dependence. Study of mutant mice
The mechanism of the releasing action of amphetamine. Uptake, superfusion, and electrophysiological studies on transporter-transfected cells
Risk assessment. Principles and consequences
Sectional hair testing. Judicial and clinical applications