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Articles by Yogesh K. Tyagi

  • Ruchika Gulati, Ajit Kumar, Seema Bansal, Yogesh K. Tyagi, Tapesh K. Tyagi, Prija Ponnan, Shashwat Malhotra, Sapan K. Jain, Usha Singh, Surendra K. Bansal, Hanumantharao G. Raj, Bilikere S. Dwarakanath, Nabo K. Chaudhury, Anjana Vij, Vannan K. Vijayan, Ramesh C. Rastogi and Virinder S. Parmar
    Calreticulin transacetylase (CRTAase): Identification of novel substrates and CRTAase-mediated modification of protein kinase C (PKC) activity in lymphocytes of asthmatic patients by polyphenolic acetates



  • Department of Biochemistry, V. P. Chest Institute, University of Delhi, Delhi-110 007, India