Author detail
Articles by T. Kamikawa
- Defect formation in layered ionic crystals of (CnH2n+1NH3)2MCl4 (M = Cd, Cu, Mn; n = 1, 2, 3) and CsMnCl3.2H2O
- Synthesis and biological function of bacterial endotoxin
- H. Takada (1 article)
- T. Shiba (1 article)
- Takehisa Yoshinari (1 article)
- Shozo Kotani (1 article)
- S. Shimanuki (1 article)
- Hitoshi Yamaoka (1 article)
- Naoto Kusunose (1 article)
- T. Shimamoto (1 article)
- E. Th. Rietschel (1 article)
- Masami Fujisawa (1 article)
- Shoichi Kusumoto (1 article)
- T. Nanba (1 article)
- Tomochika Matsuyama (1 article)
- Kiyoshi Aoyagi (1 article)
- Masahiro Imoto (1 article)