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Articles by Paul L. Brown

  • Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamás Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Ann-Kathrin Leuz, Staffan Sjöberg and Hans Wanner
    Chemical speciation of environmentally significant metals with inorganic ligands. Part 5: The Zn2+ + OH, Cl, CO32–, SO42–, and PO43– systems (IUPAC Technical Report)
  • Michael Frenkel, Robert D. Chirico, Vladimir Diky, Paul L. Brown, John H. Dymond, Robert N. Goldberg, Anthony R. H. Goodwin, Heiko Heerklotz, Erich Königsberger, John E. Ladbury, Kenneth N. Marsh, David P. Remeta, Stephen E. Stein, William A. Wakeham and Peter A. Williams
    Extension of ThermoML: The IUPAC standard for thermodynamic data communications (IUPAC Recommendations 2011)
  • Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamás Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Ann-Kathrin Leuz, Staffan Sjöberg and Hans Wanner
    Chemical speciation of environmentally significant metals with inorganic ligands. Part 4: The Cd2+ + OH, Cl, CO32–, SO42–, and PO43– systems (IUPAC Technical Report)
  • Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamas Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Ann-Kathrin Leuz, Staffan Sjöberg and Hans Wanner
    Chemical speciation of environmentally significant metals with inorganic ligands. Part 3: The Pb2+ + OH, Cl, CO32–, SO42–, and PO43– systems (IUPAC Technical Report)
  • Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamás Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Staffan Sjöberg and Hans Wanner
    Chemical speciation of environmentally significant metals with inorganic ligands Part 2: The Cu2+-OH-, Cl-, CO32-, SO42-, and PO43- systems (IUPAC Technical Report)
  • Kipton J. Powell, Paul L. Brown, Robert H. Byrne, Tamás Gajda, Glenn Hefter, Staffan Sjöberg and Hans Wanner
    Chemical speciation of environmentally significant heavy metals with inorganic ligands. Part 1: The Hg2+– Cl, OH, CO32–, SO42–, and PO43– aqueous systems (IUPAC Technical Report)

The following name might also represent this author:

Paul Brown



  • Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation, 1 Research Avenue, Bundoora VIC 3083, Australia
  • Rio Tinto Technology and Innovation, Bundoora, VIC 3083, Australia
  • Rio Tinto Technical Services, 1 Research Avenue, Bundoora VIC3083, Australia
  • Australian Sustainable Industry Research Centre, Building 4W, Monash University, Gippsland Campus, Churchill VIC 3842, Australia