Author detail
Articles by Norihiro Tokitoh
- Preface
- Novel silacyclohexadienyl chromium and iron complexes bearing a bulky substituent on the central silicon atom
- Synthesis and structure of stable 1,2-diaryldisilyne
The following name might also represent this author:
N. Tokitoh
- New aspects in the chemistry of multiple-bonds to heteroatoms
- Joon Soo Han (1 article)
- Shigeru Nagase (1 article)
- Nozomi Takagi (1 article)
- Koji Hironaka (1 article)
- Yusuke Tanabe (1 article)
- Takahiro Sasamori (1 article)
- Yoshiyuki Mizuhata (1 article)
- Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University, Gokasho, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan