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Articles by Keisuke Ohta

  • Hiromi Tobita, Nobukazu Yamahira, Keisuke Ohta, Takashi Komuro and Masaaki Okazaki
    New hydrosilylation reaction of arylacetylene accompanied by C-H bond activation catalyzed by a xantsil ruthenium complex

The following name might also represent this author:

K. Ohta

  • S. Kondo, K. Ohta, Yasuhito Inagaki, M. Minafuji, Haruhiko Yasui, N. Nakashima, Masaki Iwasaki, K. Furukawa and K. Tsuda
    Polymeric analogues of dipolar aprotic solvents as phase transfer catalysts



  • Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University,Sendai 980-8578, Japan