Author detail
Articles by John Kennis
- Bioinspired energy conversion
- Alisdair N. Macpherson (1 article)
- Alicia Brune (1 article)
- Thomas A. Moore (1 article)
- Paul A. Liddell (1 article)
- Ana L. Moore (1 article)
- Gerdenis Kodis (1 article)
- Devens Gust (1 article)
- Rodrigo E. Palacios (1 article)
- Michael Hambourger (1 article)
- Christian Herrero (1 article)
- Stephanie L. Gould (1 article)
- Department of Biophysics, Division of Physics and Astronomy, Faculty of Sciences, Vrije Universiteit, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands