Author detail
Articles by J. Smith
- Interactions between expanded porphyrins and nucleic acids
The following names might also represent this author:
J. B. Smith
- Post translational modification of crystallins isolated from human lenses
J. C. Smith
- Derivation of a molecular mechanics force field for cholesterol
J. D. Smith
- Some highly sterically hindered organosilicon compounds
J. M. Smith
- Thermodynamic properties of polar substances: Enthalpy of hydrocarbon-alcohol systems
J. V. Smith
- Review of new crystal structures and mineralogy of zeolites and related materials
- J. L. Sessler (1 article)
- D. A. Smith (1 article)
- K. Shreder (1 article)
- V. Král (1 article)
- B. L. Iverson (1 article)