Author detail
Articles by F. C. De Schryver
- Probing molecular properties and the role of the environment at the single-molecule level
- Microscopy and optical manipulation of dendrimer-built vesicles
- Time, space and spectrally resolved photochemistry from ensembles to single molecules
- Excited-state probing of associative and covalent macromolecules
- Photo-induced electron transfer in polychromophoric systems
- Photochemistry of bichromophoric compounds: scope and expectations
- J. Hofkens (2 articles)
- M. Van der Auweraer (2 articles)
- N. Boens (2 articles)
- T. D. M. Bell (1 article)
- A. Stefan (1 article)
- J. W. Weener (1 article)
- A. P. H. J. Schenning (1 article)
- G. Verbeek (1 article)
- A. Vaes (1 article)
- N. Helsen (1 article)
- P. Van Haver (1 article)
- G. C. Dol (1 article)
- H. Berghmans (1 article)
- S. Depaemalaere (1 article)
- E. W. Meijer (1 article)
- L. Latterini (1 article)
- M. Ameloot (1 article)
- E. Fron (1 article)
- M. Gehlen (1 article)
- B. Hermans (1 article)
- J. Van Stam (1 article)
- K. Tsuda (1 article)
- T. Gensch (1 article)
- L. Viaene (1 article)
- S. Reekmans (1 article)
- M. De Brackelaire (1 article)
- J. Huybrechts (1 article)
- J. Daemen (1 article)
- D. Terrell (1 article)
- K. Müllen (1 article)
- S. De Meutter (1 article)
- Department of Chemistry, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200F, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium