Author detail
Articles by Eric Block
- Allium chemistry: Use of new instrumental techniques to “see” reactive organosulfur species formed upon crushing garlic and onion
- Synthesis, structure, and chemistry of selenium-containing four-membered rings
- Allium chemistry: Natural abundance of organoselenium compounds from garlic, onion and related plants and in human garlic breath
- Chemistry in a salad bowl: Comparative organosulfur chemistry of garlic, onion and shiitake mushrooms
- Organosulfur chemistry of garlic and onion: Recent results
- A. John Dane (1 article)
- Robert B. Cody (1 article)
- Abith Vattekkatte (1 article)
- Kai Wang (1 article)
- Robert Sheridan (1 article)
- Evgeny V. Dikarev (1 article)
- Russell Deorazio (1 article)
- Jin Jin (1 article)
- Bo Li (1 article)
- Marina A. Petrukhina (1 article)
- S. Naganathan (1 article)
- D. Putman (1 article)
- P. C. Uden (1 article)
- Shao-Zhong Zhang (1 article)
- B. D. Quimby (1 article)
- Xing Zhang (1 article)
- J. J. Sullivan (1 article)
- X.-J. Cai (1 article)
- S.-H. Zhao (1 article)
- Department of Chemistry, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 12222, USA