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Articles by E. Robert

  • E. Robert, H. Sarroukh, C. Cachoncinlle, R. Viladrosa, V. Hochet, S. Eddaoui and J. M. Pouvesle
    Spectroscopic and electrical study of rare-gas-based, hollow cathode luminescent discharges: Application to the lifetime and efficiency enhancement of mercury-free signs

The following name might also represent this author:

E. C. Robert

  • E. C. Robert, Rudolf Bruessau, J. Dubois, Bernard Jacques, Nico Meijerink, T. Q. Nguyen, D. E. Niehaus and W. A. Tobisch
    Characterization of polyamides 6, 11, and 12. Determination of molecular weight by size exclusion chromatography (IUPAC Technical Report)



  • GREMI-Polytech’Orléans, 14 rue d’Issoudun, BP 6744, 45067 Orléans Cédex 02, France