Author detail
Articles by C. G. Overberger
- Hydrophilic polymers of ordered conformation-nucleic acid models
- Catalysis of esterolytic reactions by water-soluble imidazole containing polymers
- Recent developments in the use of polymers as reactants in organic reactions
- Conformations and mutarotations of poly(5-methyl-L-proline)
- Polymers containing groups of potential biological activity
- T. Tomono (1 article)
- Y. Morishima (1 article)
- L. J. Mathias (1 article)
- K. A. Brandt (1 article)
- F. W. Orttung (1 article)
- J. J. Ferraro (1 article)
- N. Vorchheimer (1 article)
- S. Kikyotani (1 article)
- A. G. Ludwick (1 article)
- P. V. Bonsignore (1 article)
- M. J. Han (1 article)
- A. Meenakshi (1 article)
- S. Mitra (1 article)
- A. C. Guterl, Jr. (1 article)
- Y. Kawakami (1 article)