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Pure Appl. Chem., 2004, Vol. 76, No. 9, pp. 1749-1768

Fundamental chemical features of complex manganites and cuprates for advanced functional materials engineering

Yu. D. Tretyakov and E. A. Goodilin

Chemistry Faculty, Moscow State University, Lenin Hills, Moscow 119992, Russia

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  • García-Fernández Pablo, Barriuso María Teresa, García-Lastra Juan María, Moreno Miguel, Aramburu José Antonio: Compounds Containing Tetragonal Cu2+ Complexes: Is the dx2–y2–d3z2–r2 Gap a Direct Reflection of the Distortion?. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013, 4, 2385. <>
  • Pomerantseva Ekaterina A., Goodilin Eugene A., Tretyakov Yuri D.: Unconventional vapor–liquid–solid mechanism of ultra-long Ba6Mn24O48 whiskers growth from chloride fluxes. CrysEngComm 2012, 14, 3778. <>
  • Vijayanandhini K., Kutty T. R. N.: Phase conversions in calcium manganites with changing Ca/Mn ratios and their influence on the electrical transport properties. J Mater Sci Mater Electron 2009, 20, 445. <>
  • Falcón H, Sánchez-Benítez J, Martínez-Lope M J, Alonso J A, Krezhov K, Spirov I, Ruskov T: Neutron diffraction, Mössbauer and magnetotransport study of Fe-substituted derivatives of CaCu3Mn4O12 perovskite with colossal magnetoresistance. J Phys Condens Matter 2007, 19, 356209. <>
  • Itkis D.M., Goodilin E.A., Balagurov A.M., Bobrikov I.A., Sinitskii A.S., Tretyakov Y.D.: Preparation-dependent properties of Ca(Cu,Mn)7O12 CMR materials. Solid Stat Comm 2006, 139, 380. <>