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Pure Appl. Chem., 2001, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp. 23-30

Affinity electrochemical biosensors for pollution control

M. Mascini

Dipartimento di Chimica, via G. Capponi, 9; 50121 Firenze, Italy

Abstract: Disposable, electrochemical DNA-based biosensors have been exploited for the determination of low-molecular-weight compounds with affinity for nucleic acids. The application is related to the molecular interaction between the surface-linked DNA obtained from calf thymus and the target pollutants or drugs, in order to develop a simple device for rapid screening of genotoxic or similar compounds. The determination of such compounds was measured by their effect on the oxidation signal of the guanine peak of the DNA immobilized on the electrode surface and investigated by chronopotentiometric or square-wave voltammetric analysis. The DNA biosensor is able to detect known intercalating and groove-binding compounds such as daunomycin, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), aflatoxin B1, and aromatic amines. Applicability to river and waste water samples is discussed and reported.


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