Pure Appl. Chem., 2000, Vol. 72, No. 1-2, pp. i
IUPAC Changing for a New Century
The future mission and function of the International Union of Pure
and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) must rest on globalization of science
and technology, interdisciplinary unification of chemistry, fast
expansion of the chemical sciences beyond their traditional boundaries,
and mission-oriented service of chemistry. I believe that one of
the most important accomplishments of IUPAC during the last two
years is the formulation of a
Mission Statement and a Strategic Plan based on long-range goals.
The present structure of IUPAC precludes the fulfillment of many
of its central scientific functions, as reflected in organizational
fragmentation and resulting hindrance in the inception and conduct
of horizontal interdisciplinary projects. An integrated program
for changes in the organization of the Union's scientific work was
approved by IUPAC's Bureau, whose objectives are to improve quality,
relevance, international impact, and effectiveness of IUPAC's scientific
work. This integrated holistic program rests on major changes in
the responsibilities of the Divisions, in project evaluation, and
in the future function of the Commissions. Most parts of the program
are well underway. The IUPAC Council in its Meeting in Berlin (August
1999) has undertaken additional steps to enable the new program
to operate effectively. By deciding not to extend the current thirty-
seven IUPAC Commissions beyond the end of 2001, the Council revitalized
our scientific activities, ensured the selection of only high-quality
projects to bear IUPAC's label, and encouraged the participation
of the worldwide chemistry community. These steps are essential
for shaping IUPAC's contribution into the 21st century.
The scientific core activities of IUPAC will rest on the principles
of quality, relevance, impact on broad fields, merging of science
and technology, international dimensions, openness, and communication.
New research fields, where the activity is truly international,
are expected to contribute to high-quality, significant scientific
developments and to constitute the cutting edge for new technologies.
IUPAC became involved in the identification, characterization, and
recommendation of novel research directions by the organization
of conferences, with the involvement of the world scientific leadership,
on New Directions in Chemistry. It is a great pleasure and privilege
to announce that this enterprise has been successfully inaugurated
with a Workshop
on Advanced Materials: Nanostructured Systems, held 14 -18 July
1999 in Hong Kong. The entire world chemistry community owes
a debt of gratitude to the International Organizing Committee and
its Chairman, Professor Mostafa El-Sayed, for seizing an initiative
to promote this important area of emerging science and technology,
and for shaping an outstanding program that reflects the current
status of the field and its international participation and appeal.
It is fitting that IUPAC should also seek to promote this important
subject through publication of a special topic issue of Pure
and Applied Chemistry, devoted exclusively to a collection of
review articles and research papers based upon presentations made
at the Workshop. Those delegates who contributed to this issue deserve
credit for their willingness to share their results and insights
with a wider audience.
IUPAC Past President
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