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Pure Appl. Chem., 1996, Vol. 68, No. 4, pp. 813-818

Rate and equilibrium constants for oxazolidine and thiazolidine ring-opening reactions

M. Canle, A. Lawley, E. C. McManus and R. A. M. O'Ferrall

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  • Wade John D., Hojo Keiko, Kawasaki Koichi, Johns Terrance G., Catimel Bruno, Rothacker Julie, Nice Edouard C.: An automated peptide and protein thiazolidine coupling chemistry for biosensor immobilization giving a unique N-terminal orientation. Analytical Biochemistry 2006, 348, 315. <>
  • Sélambarom Jimmy, Smadja Jacqueline, Thomas Olivier, Parrot Isabelle, Martinez Jean, Pavia André A.: A Novel Route to Pseudoproline (ΨH,HPro)-Containing Dipeptides Building Blocks. Int J Pept Res Ther 2005, 11, 267. <>
  • Sélambarom Jimmy, Carré Francis, Fruchier Alain, Roque Jean Pierre, Pavia André A: Stereochemical study of 1,3-N,X-heterocycles derived from α-aminoacids and formaldehyde. Structural evidence for the existence of the anomeric effect. Tetrahedron 2002, 58, 4439. <>