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Pure Appl. Chem., 1994, Vol. 66, No. 1, pp. 77-82

Supercomputer simulation of small angle X-ray scattering, electron micrographs and X-ray diffraction patterns of macromolecular structures

E. Pantos and J. Bordas

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  • Dogsa Iztok, Štrancar Janez, Laggner Peter, Stopar David: Efficient modeling of polysaccharide conformations based on Small-Angle X-ray Scattering experimental data. Polymer 2008, 49, 1398. <>
  • Berret Jean-François: Evidence of overcharging in the complexation between oppositely charged polymers and surfactants. J Chem Phys 2005, 123, 164703. <>
  • Chacón Pablo, Dı́az J.Fernando, Morán Federico, Andreu José M.: Reconstruction of protein form with X-ray solution scattering and a genetic algorithm. Journal of Molecular Biology 2000, 299, 1289. <>
  • Chac�n P., Mor�n F., D�az J.F., Pantos E., Andreu J.M.: Low-Resolution Structures of Proteins in Solution Retrieved from X-Ray Scattering with a Genetic Algorithm. Biophysical Journal 1998, 74, 2760. <>
  • Hilbers P. A. J., van Garderen H. F., Dokter W. H., Beelen T. P. M., van Santen R. A., Pantos E., Michels M. A. J.: Volume fraction dependence and reorganization in cluster–cluster aggregation processes. J Chem Phys 1995, 102, 480. <>