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Pure Appl. Chem., 1992, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 799-808

Investigating the location and distribution of transition metal cations in porous solids by ESE spectroscopy

Z. Levi, K. Matar, A. M. Raitsimring and D. Goldfarb

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  • Goldfarb Daniella: High field ENDOR as a characterization tool for functional sites in microporous materials. Phys Chem Chem Phys 2006, 8, 2325. <>
  • Larsen Russell G., Halkides Christopher J., Singel David J.: A geometric representation of nuclear modulation effects: The effects of high electron spin multiplicity on the electron spin echo envelope modulation spectra of Mn2+ complexes of N-ras p21. J Chem Phys 1993, 98, 6704. <>