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Pure Appl. Chem., 1989, Vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 1569-1574

Design of redox systems for the transport of electrons across liquid membranes: Poly-aza-macrocyclic metal complexes

L. Fabbrizzi

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  • Fabbrizzi Luigi, Licchelli Maurizio, Mosca Lorenzo, Poggi Antonio: Template synthesis of azacyclam metal complexes using primary amides as locking fragments. Coord Chem Rev - 2010, 254, 1628. <>
  • Badr Ibrahim H.A., Meyerhoff Mark E., Hassan Saad S.M.: Novel response mechanism and application of sulfite sensitive polymeric membrane electrode based on dithiocarbamate complexes of mercury(II). Analytica Chimica Acta 1995, 310, 211. <>
  • De Santis Giancarlo, Fabbrizzi Luigi, Licchelli Maurizio, Pallavicini Piersandro: Redox processes in supramolecular coordination compounds. Coord Chem Rev - 1992, 120, 237. <>