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Pure Appl. Chem., 1989, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 325-336

Contribution to the chemistry of β-lactam antibiotics: 1-oxa nuclear analogs of naturally occurring β-lactam antibiotics

W. Nagata

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  • He Yi, Wu Jian Bo, Lei Fan, Chen Pei, Hai Li, Wu Yong: Design, synthesis and antibacterial activity of novel 1-oxacephem analogs. Chinese Chemical Letters 2012, 23, 407. <>
  • Wang Weiqun, Ayella Allan, Lim Soyoung, Jiang Yu, Iwamoto Takeo, Lin Dingbo, Tomich John: Cytostatic inhibition of cancer cell growth by lignan secoisolariciresinol diglucoside. Nutr Research 2010, 30, 762. <>
  • Kozioł Anna, Frelek Jadwiga, Woźnica Magdalena, Furman Bartłomiej, Chmielewski Marek: An Enantioselective Synthesis of 3,4-Benzo-5-oxacephams. Eur J Org Chem 2009, 2009, 338. <>
  • Interaction of CFP with Metal ions: Complex Formation of CFP with Metal ion by Absorption and Fluorescence Spectrophotometery. Journal of the Korean Chemical Society 2009, 53, 152. <>
  • Gallagher Timothy: The azomethine ylid strategy for β-lactam synthesis. J Heterocyclic Chem 1999, 36, 1365. <>
  • Furman Bartłomiej, Thürmer René, Kałuża Zbigniew, Łysek Robert, Voelter Wolfgang, Chmielewski Marek: Stereoselektive Festphasensynthese von β-Lactamen – ein neuartiger Zugang zu 1-Oxacephamen durch eine Ringschlußreaktion bei gleichzeitiger Abspaltung von der festen Phase. Angew Chem 1999, 111, 1193. <<1193::AID-ANGE1193>3.0.CO;2-2>
  • Furman Bartłomiej, Thu¨rmer Rene´, Kałuża Zbigniew, Voelter Wolfgang, Chmielewski Marek: A new acetal resin valuable for the solid-phase synthesis of 1-oxacephamsvia a cyclization/cleavage step. Tetrahetron Lett 1999, 40, 5909. <>
  • Bruton Gordon: Tricyclic bridged β-lactams as transition state analogues: a study using semi-empirical molecular orbital methods. Biorg Med Chem Lett 1993, 3, 2329. <>
  • Palomo Claudio, Aizpurua Jesu´s M., Garcta Jesu´s M., Paul Picard Jean, Dunogue´s Jacques: A concise formal approach to the oxacephem skeleton from an intramolecular Peterson type olefination of N-[bis(trimethylsilyl)methyl]-β-lactams. Tetrahetron Lett 1990, 31, 1921. <>