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Pure Appl. Chem., 1988, Vol. 60, No. 8, pp. 1123-1132

Characteristics of electron transfer reactions of early transition elements

K. Saito and Y. Sasaki

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  • NMR Studies on the Isomerization of Vanadium(V)-Propylenediaminetetraacetate Complex in Solution. Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 2004, 25, 106. <>
  • Tanaka Hideaki K., Sasaki Yoichi, Saito Kazuo: Environmental effect on photoquenching reaction of hexamolybdenum(II) clusters capped by chloride with hexachloroiridate(IV) in solution. Inorg Chim Ada 1993, 210, 63. <>
  • Meier R., Werner G., Kirmse R., Stach J., Dunsch L.: Voltammetrische und spektroskopische Untersuchungen zur Komplexbildung von Vanadium(IV) und Vanadium(V) mit Carbonat. Z anorg allg Chem 1990, 583, 209. <>