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Pure Appl. Chem., 1988, Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 303-307

Equilibrium measurements as a source of entropies and molecular constant information

D. L. Hildenbrand

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  • Li Wei-Li, Hu Han-Shi, Jian Tian, Lopez Gary V., Su Jing, Li Jun, Wang Lai-Sheng: Probing the electronic structures of low oxidation-state uranium fluoride molecules UFx− (x = 2−4). J. Chem. Phys. 2013, 139, 244303. <>
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  • Konings R.J.M., Hildenbrand D.L.: The vibrational frequencies, molecular geometry and thermodynamic properties of the actinide tetrahalides. J Alloys Comp 1998, 271-273, 583. <>
  • Ar��as Elizabeth P.G., Ribeiro Mauro C.C., Santos Paulo S., Konings R.J.M., Booij A.S., Kov��cs A., Girichev G.V., Giricheva N.I., Krasnova O.G., Dzyabchenko A.V., Pivina T.S., Arnautova E.A.: Raman band-shape analysis of urea-lysozyme interaction in aqueous solution. Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 1996, 378, 111. <>
  • Konings R. J. M.: On the ν4 bending frequency of gaseous ThF4. J Chem Phys 1996, 105, 9379. <>
  • Kleinschmidt P. D., Lau K. H., Hildenbrand D. L.: Sublimation studies of NpF4. J Chem Phys 1992, 97, 1950. <>