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Pure Appl. Chem., 1984, Vol. 56, No. 3, pp. 319-328

Dilute block copolymer systems, Properties of oil-extended butadiene-styrene block copolymers

E. Ceausescu, R. Bordeianu, P. Ghioca, E. Buzdugan, R. Stancu and I. Cerchez

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  • Chipara M., Rowlands C. C., Galatanu A. N.: Electron spin resonance investigation of molecular motions in oil-extended styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymers. I. The temperature dependence of resonance spectra: Glass, narrowing, and inflection temperatures. J Polym Sci B Polym Phys 2004, 42, 1960. <>
  • Buzdugan E, Ghioca P, Stribeck N, Badea E.G, Serban S, Iovu M.C: Mechanical properties of some brominated styrene–diene block copolymers. Euro Poly J 1998, 34, 1531. <>
  • Flosenzier Linda S., Rohlfing John H., Schwark Alodia M., Torkelson John M.: The effects of blending small amounts of homopolystyrene on the mechanical properties of a low styrene content styrene-butadiene-styrene block copolymer-corrections. Polym Eng Sci 1990, 30, 1180. <>
  • Canevarolo Sebastiao V., Mattoso Luiz H. C.: Preferential plasticization of SBS triblock copolymer. Brit Polymer J 1990, 22, 137. <>
  • Polizzi S., Stribeck N., Zachmann H. G., Bordeianu R.: Structure and properties of oil extended styrene butadiene block copolymers. Polym Compos 1988, 9, 434. <>