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Pure Appl. Chem., 1982, Vol. 54, No. 12, pp. 2675-2692


Guidelines for the determination of stability constants

G. H. Nancollas and M. B. Tomson

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  • May Peter M., Filella Montserrat: Chemical modelling of multicomponent mixtures: quality assurance is more than just equilibrium data quality assessment. Accred Qual Assur 2011, 16, 179. <>
  • Prenesti Enrico, Fisicaro Paola, Berto Silvia, Ferrara Enzo, Daniele Pier Giuseppe: Monitoring the traceability of the pH of a primary tetraborate buffer: comparison of results from primary and secondary apparatus. Anal Bioanal Chem 2007, 387, 2595. <>
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  • Leverrier Pauline, Montigny Cédric, Garrigos Manuel, Champeil Philippe: Metal binding to ligands: Cadmium complexes with glutathione revisited. Analytical Biochemistry 2007, 371, 215. <>
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  • Fisicaro Paola, Ferrara Enzo, Prenesti Enrico, Berto Silvia: Role of the activity coefficient in the dissemination of pH: comparison of primary (Harned cell) and secondary (glass electrode) measurements on phosphate buffer considering activity and concentration scales. Anal Bioanal Chem 2005, 383, 341. <>
  • Filella Montserrat, Town Raewyn M.: Determination of metal ion binding parameters for humic substances. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2000, 485, 21. <>
  • Wojciechowski K.T, Ma��ecki A, Pais A.A.C.C, Pereira J.L.G.C, Redinha J.S, Osman R., Fuxreiter M., Luo N.: SYMTERM ��� program for modelling chemical processes in non-isothermal conditions. Computers & Chemistry 2000, 24, 527. <>