Pure Appl. Chem., 1977, Vol. 49, No. 10, pp. 1595-1608
Optical emission spectrochemical analysis
Individual author index pages
Other PAC articles by these authors
Nomenclature, symbols, units and their usage in spectrochemical analysis-XI. Detection of radiation (IUPAC Recommendations 1995)
Nomenclature, symbols, units and their usage in spectrochemical analysis-IX. Instrumentation for the spectral dispersion and isolation of optical radiation (IUPAC Recommendations 1995)
Nomenclature, symbols, units and their usage in spectrochemical analysis - VII. Molecular absorption spectroscopy, ultraviolet and visible (UV/VIS) (Recommendations 1988)
Nomenclature, symbols, units and their usage in spectrochemical analysis - V: Radiation sources (Recommendations 1985)