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Pure Appl. Chem., 1975, Vol. 41, No. 1-2, pp. 113-144

Natural products chemistry 1950-1980 - A personal view

C. Djerassi

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  • Seeman Jeffrey I.: Carl Djerassi: In His Own Words. Angew. Chem. 2014, 126, 3334. <>
  • Seeman Jeffrey I.: Carl Djerassi: In His Own Words. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2014, 53, 3268. <>
  • Nicolaou K. C., Snyder Scott A.: Die Jagd auf Moleküle, die nie existiert haben: Falsch zugeordnete Naturstoffstrukturen und die Rolle der chemischen Synthese in der modernen Strukturaufklärung. Angew Chem 2005, 117, 1036. <>
  • Nicolaou K. C., Snyder Scott A.: Chasing Molecules That Were Never There: Misassigned Natural Products and the Role of Chemical Synthesis in Modern Structure Elucidation. Angew Chem Int Ed 2005, 44, 1012. <>
  • Delseth Claude, Carlson R. M. K., Djerassi Carl, Erdman Timothy R., Scheuer Paul J.: Identification de stérols à chaînes latérales courtes dans l′épongeDamiriana hawaiiana. HCA 1978, 61, 1470. <>
  • Ayanoglu Eser, Djerassi Carl, Erdman Timothy R., Scheuer Paul J.: Minor and trace sterols in marine invertebrates V. isolation, structure elucidation and synthesis of 3β-hydroxy-26,27-bisnorcholest-5-en-24-one from the sponge Psammaplysilla Purpurea. Steroid 1978, 31, 815. <>
  • Popov Simeon, Carlson Robert M.K., Wegmann Anne-Marie, Djerassi Carl: Occurrence of 19-nor cholesterol and homologs in marine animals. Tetrahetron Lett 1976, 17, 3491. <>