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Pure Appl. Chem., 1974, Vol. 38, No. 1-2, pp. 249-266

Metalloproteins, metallo-enzymes and heterogeneous catalysts

R. J. P. Williams

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  • Sarkar Shaheen M., Uozumi Yasuhiro, Yamada Yoichi M. A.: A Highly Active and Reusable Self-Assembled Poly(Imidazole/Palladium) Catalyst: Allylic Arylation/Alkenylation. angew chemie 2011, 123, 9609. <>
  • Sarkar Shaheen M., Uozumi Yasuhiro, Yamada Yoichi M. A.: A Highly Active and Reusable Self-Assembled Poly(Imidazole/Palladium) Catalyst: Allylic Arylation/Alkenylation. Angew Chem Int E 2011, 50, 9437. <>
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