Author detail
Articles by Yoshio Saito
- Highly selective fluorescent nucleobases for designing base-discriminating fluorescent probes
The following names might also represent this author:
Y. Saito
- Development of functional resins by modification of ion-exchange resins and their application to analytical chemistry
Yoshihiko Saito
- Structure and absolute configurations of cobalt(III) complexes
- Kazuki Tainaka (1 article)
- Tomohisa Ichiba (1 article)
- Chikara Dohno (1 article)
- Akimitsu Okamoto (1 article)
- Subhendu Sekhar Bag (1 article)
- Isao Saito (1 article)
- Kazuo Hanawa (1 article)
- Kaori Motegi (1 article)
- Keigo Hayashi (1 article)
- NEWCAT Institute, School of Engineering, Nihon University, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8642, Japan