Author detail
Articles by F. Ozawa
- Catalytic asymmetric arylation of olefins
- Mechanisms of double and single carbonylation reactions catalyzed by palladium complexes
- Chemistry of organopalladium and nickel complexes relevant to catalysis
- Chemistry of square planar organometallic complexes of the nickel group relevant to catalysis
- A. Yamamoto (3 articles)
- T. Yamamoto (2 articles)
- T. Hayashi (1 article)
- Akihiko Kubo (1 article)
- Nobuo Kawasaki (1 article)
- K. Osakada (1 article)
- L. Huang (1 article)
- M.-K. Doh (1 article)
- Sanshiro Komiya (1 article)
- T. Son (1 article)