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Pure Appl. Chem., 2009, Vol. 81, No. 11, pp. 1971-1979

Published online 2009-10-30

Reaction of dialkyl carbonates with alcohols: Defining a scale of the best leaving and entering groups

Pietro Tundo1,2*, Fabio Aricò1,2, Anthony E. Rosamilia2, Maurizio Rigo2, Andrea Maranzana3,2 and Glauco Tonachini3

1 Department of Environmental Sciences, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Dorsoduro 2137-30123, Venice, Italy
2 Interuniversity Consortium “Chemistry for the Environment”, Via delle Industrie, 21/8 30175 Marghera, Venice, Italy
3 Department of General Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, University of Torino, Corso Massimo D’Azeglio 48, I-10125 Torino, Italy
