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Pure Appl. Chem., 2001, Vol. 73, No. 2, pp. 295-298

Novel coordination behavior of unsaturated hydrocarbon ligands on Pd-Pd bonds

Hideo Kurosawa* and Tetsuro Murahashi

Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan

Abstract: The dinuclear Pd (I) complexes containing substitutionally labile acetonitrile ligands [Pd2 (CH3CN) 2 (L) 2] (BF4) 2 [L = CH3CN (1) , PPh3 (2) ] were prepared. The complex 1 was demonstrated to serve as a versatile building block for synthesizing sandwich chain complexes made of conjugated polyenes and linear polypalladium chains. The complex 2 reacted with 2 equiv arylacetylenes to give dinuclear organopalladium complexes arising from formal [2s + 2p + 2p] addition with the Pd-Pd s bond participating as one component. The reaction of 2 with 1,3-butadiene afforded a complex regarded as an intermediate lying halfway on the [2s + 4p] reaction coordinate.